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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kopi Luwak-Truth behind Sumatera Exotic civet coffee

What is Kopi Luwak or Luwak Coffee (a.k.a Civet Coffee)? Maybe some of gourmet coffee lovers have known about this rare and exotic coffee. Kopi Luwak or Civet coffee is coffee made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by Luwak (Asian Palm civet – Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) then pass through its digestive tract. civet eats the berries for their fleshy pulp. In its stomach, proteolytic enzymes  seep into the beans, making shorter peptides and more free amino acids . Passing through a civet’s intestines the beans are then defecated, keeping their shape. After gathering, thorough washing, sun drying, light roasting and brewing, these beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness, widely noted as the most expensive coffee in the world. A cup of Kopi Luwak or Luwak Coffee is about USD$ 50, so you can imagine the taste and why this coffee noted as the most expensive coffee in the world.
It is believed that the taste of Kopi Luwak or Civet coffee can give you a really rare taste you can’t found in other coffee. Even Coffee critic Chris Rubin said, “The aroma is rich and strong, and the coffee is incredibly full bodied, almost syrupy. It’s thick with a hint of chocolate, and lingers on the tongue with a long, clean aftertaste.”
Kopi Luwak or Luwak Coffee is mainly produce in Sumatera, Java, Bali and Sulawesi in the Indonesian archipelago. But Sumatera’s Kopi Luwak is  the most famous Kopi Luwak, it has the most different and rare taste.

What is Luwak?
Luwak or Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is kind of Palm Civet that lived in Indonesian archipelago. Coffee beans is luwak’s most favourite food. Most luwak coffee farmers believed, that luwak or civet only eats the best quality coffee beans. Long time ago, farmers doesn't like luwak because luwak always steal their crops, ear coffee beans. But, until they know the fact that luwak produce some kind of rare and tasty coffee, luwak is protected by farmers and sometimes farmers feed the luwak with coffee beans. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find luwak in their wild habbit, since luwak's meat is believed can cure some disease. So, their meats is hunt for sold.

Kopi Luwak Production Process
Kopi luwak
or Civet Coffee harvest process is different from other coffees, Kopi luwak farmers let the coffee beans that dropped from the tree and then release the luwak and let it eats the coffee beans. Or if they have the luwak in a cage, farmers will give the luwak coffee beans and let it eats the  coffee. So farmers wait for 7-8 hours until the coffee is digested by luwak. Why Kopi Luwak have the best taste among other coffees? Because it is believed that luwak or civet only eats the best quality coffee beans.
Traditional Coffee Farmers harvesting the coffee beans
fresh-reddish Coffee beans is given to luwak or civet
Coffee beans eaten by luwak or civet
Luwak’s droppings being collected by farmers

A Research by food scientist Massimo Marcone showed that the Luwak or civet’s endogenous digestive secretions seep into the beans. These secretions carry proteolytic enzymes which break down the beans’ proteins, yielding shorter peptides and more free amino acids. Since the flavor of coffee owes much to its proteins, there is a hypothesis that this shift in the numbers and kinds of proteins in beans after being swallowed by civets brings forth their unique flavor. The proteins are also involved in non-enzymatic Maillard browning reactions brought about later by roasting. Moreover, while inside a civet the beans begin to germinate by malting which also lowers their bitterness.
Maybe it’s seems disgusting that we drink a cup of coffee that harvest from animal’s dropping, but this coffee is safe and offering you a very good taste. It is safe because it’s well processed. After the coffee collected from luwak’s dropping, the coffee is still covered by a hard shell. Then, this hard-shell coffee is washed. after the washing, this coffee given sun drying, and roasted at high temperature.

Lake Toba - Trip to Beautiful Prehistoric supervolcano

It’s my first post, and I know where I have to start it. Yup, it’s Lake Toba. Maybe some of backpackers have heard about this beautiful attractive tourist resort before. It’s an amazing travel experience with beautiful views,  nice and friendly people, I hardly recommended this place.

I think it’s enough for talking, Straight to the point.
Lake Toba is located in Indonesia (Indonesian : Danau Toba, danau means lake) is a lake formed by a Supervolcano eruption that occured about 69,000-77,000 years ago, and causing a massive climate changing-event. According to the Toba catasthrope theory to which many anthropologists and archeologists subscribe, it had global consequences, killing most humans then alive and affected the genetic inheritance of all humans today. Well, I’m not here for telling you about the eruption, because you can read it on wikipedia..

Lake Toba, “heavily equipped” with amazing views and beautiful panoramic sceneries is definitely one of the  “must visit” resorts when you are in Indonesia. Lake Toba is the largest lake in South East Asia and also one of the most spectacular, surrounded by tall mountains and with the large island of Samosir in the middle. The Dutch writer Rudy Kousbroek even called Lake Toba, ‘the most beautiful place on earth’.  This tourist resort is located in Northern Sumatera province, near Prapat Town (also known as Parapat). You can travel there by car and it takes about 4 hours from Medan (Capital city of North Sumatera). And of course, you can sense the nature along the road you travel. But, there’s also many tour package available that provided by some travel agents. So you can enjoy the trip without much effort. My tips, when you want to take a tour package, you should take the package that provided by travel agents in Medan City. Why? because they are the nearest travel agent to Lake Toba and they know this tourist resort better than others.
The Dutch writer Rudy Kousbroek even called Lake Toba, ‘the most beautiful place on earth’.
 Here are some of the beautiful views:

Samosir island
Lake Toba is a lake with an island in the middle of the lake, the island is called Samosir island (Indonesian: Pulau Samosir). The most famous place in samosir is Tuk-Tuk (spell it: took-took), named after the linguist Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk. You can travel to Tuk-Tuk by a ferry (small passenger ship) from Prapat town and it takes about 1 hour or less. This resort is a perfect place for buying souvenirs, handicrafts, sculpture and I think the most famous and valuable stuff for Batak People is Ulos. In ancient, ulos is belong to kings or landlords, so if ulos is given to someone, it means a great honour. In general, tourists stay several days on Samosir island to discover the island, to visit traditional Batak villages, to swim in the lake and go to the hot springs in Pangururan.

Lake Toba is major lived by an ethnic, called The Bataks (Indonesian: Orang Batak, means Batak People). The Bataks are widely spread in this area. They speak Bataknese (Indonesian: Bahasa Batak, means Batak Language). The Bataks is unique and very friendly, although It’s a common thing if you hear them talking with quite loud voice. Most of Batak People’s religion is Christian, although some of them hold Moslem religion.

Tourists wearing Traditional Batak clothes
Traditional Batak House are noted for their distinctive roofs (which curve upwards at each end, as a boat’s hull does) and their colorful decor.
Traditional Batak Ulos

I can’t describe any further about Lake Toba, if you want an amazing travel experience, you should try this lovely place..You will find the reasons why you love this exotic resorts. You gonna love this place...